Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Fling was postponed to Friday--it didn't look much like spring with all the snow anyway. Clara, Gretchen, Tate, Norah, Natalie, Sean and Liam were in attendance as well as Kristen and Becci--Thank you for all your help! The theme for the day was Night Time. Following is the LP:
  • Opening song--"Here we are Together"
  • Language Arts: Showed a picture of a night scene and introduced Mr Star. "S" was the letter of the day and when ever we heard the "S" sound at the beginning of a word as we discussed what happens at night, I held up the letter "S" and we all said "Ssssssssssss." I held up pictures of things that happen at night, like eating dinner, brushing teeth, sleeping...
  • Read Goodnight Moon during snack. Thanks to Becci and Kristin for bringing in delicious snacks.
  • Science: Nocturnal animals. We listened to night sounds and talked about how some animals are active at night. I had pictures of some of the animals that made the sounds and we played a game. They acted like the animal featured in each picture that I presented.
  • Math: Passed out star cutouts. We all counted how many points on the star
  • We sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
  • Art: Stars and moons were glued on purple or black construction paper to make a night scene.
  • Song with actions: "Moon, Moon, Moon"
  • Game: We went to the gym and played "Goodmorning, Goodnight" When we turned off the lights and said good night, everyone laid down and pretended to sleep. When we turned on the lights and said good morning, everyone woke up and ran around. This was a hit and we played for quite a while.
That's about it!

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