Monday, March 17, 2008

Tentative LP

Here is my lesson plan for Friday. I am planning to do Spring/Easter/Senses. I may make minor changes, but this is the basic idea:

Opening Song/Welcome

Easter Egg hunt for plastic eggs that will be filled with items related to the season Spring
Intro. of Spring and activate prior knowledge of the topic

Read a good Spring story (does anyone have ideas?)
Sing "Popcorn Popping"

Experiment - What does Spring look/sound/feel like?
What do we wear in Spring?
What can we do in Spring?


Brief review of the morning
What Holiday is coming up? (I will discuss Easter, but I am planning to leave the religious aspect out of the discussion)
Easter project - making a bunny ear headband
Read the story Corduroy's Easter
What do we know about bunnies?
Act like bunnies

Close and clean-up

Materials Needed:
Book about Spring
Plastic eggs with Spring stuff inside (flower, umbrella, etc.)
Pictures of what Spring looks like
CD of birds singing (Does anyone have something like this that I could borrow?)
Fan/Heater/Spray Bottle
Pictures of kids in all different kinds of clothing
Pictures of Spring activities (planting a garden, playing outside, etc.)
Pink and White construction paper
Book: Corduroy's Easter

**Materials listed in Red are materials I currently do not have, if you have it, please let me know! Thanks!


Gretchen said...

Sorry I could not be there today. I was not well and it was Aria's birthday and she wanted to sleep in.
I have some good books about spring, and also red and pink construction paper. How much do you need?
This sounds like a fun day.

Unknown said...

I need enough to make bunny ears for each kid. So, if they are the 11x14 sheets, maybe 12 white and 8 pink (I am overshooting a bit, but I want to make sure I have enough).

What Spring books do you have? I need to go to the library, but if you have a cute one I would love to use it! Thanks!!

Mike and Kristin said...

I have a fan I can bring. Sounds like a fun day.

Gretchen said...

Do you want me to cut out the ears for you?
I have a kite, if Kristin has a fan. Do you need one?